Monday, April 11, 2011

katie & emily turn 8! {antelope valley, ca photographer}

After I did this family session, and Megyn's 2nd birthday pictures, I moved on to a special mini-session with Katie & Emily- adorable, giggly twins who were turning 8!  I loved watching the two of these girls interact.  This was my first experience photographing kids who were twins, and it was a joy!  Katie & Emily have such a special relationship... one I will never understand being the middle child & only girl in my family growing up, and now having 2 sons of my own (although tomorrow we find out if baby Stephens #3 will be baby boy #3 or baby girl #1 for us!).  I really can't even describe their relationship in words, that is not really where I am gifted anyways... but you will understand them completely after you see these!

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Happy 8th birthday, Emily & Katie!  You are a joy to be around and I pray you will continue to bring joy into the lives of all you come in contact with!  I also pray your relationship stays strong & beautiful... it is a precious gift!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes, these photos are beautiful! you have touched upon the special bond between twin sisters!

linda finn
(katie & emily's auntie)