Wednesday, October 13, 2010

todd + keli = a, t, c {palmdale, ca photographer}

I go way back with this family.  I used to babysit these kids.  Alyssa, the oldest daughter, was like a younger sister to me.  They were all in my wedding.  Since then a lot of growing up has been done.  Alyssa lives in Florida now, Travis has graduated high school, and Courtney is a junior.  They make me feel old :)  Alyssa was in town visiting for a week so they called and asked if we could do a family session while they were all there.  It was so much fun!
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Aren't they a cute family???
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Todd & Keli are such a cute couple!! 
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You guys are a beautiful family that God is going to do great things in and through.  Hold on to your love and respect for each other, it's a wonderful thing!

Be blessed!

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