i had so many ideas of what to use as my entry for this week's i heart faces theme. i have some fun pictures with balloons, bubbles, etc. even some photos taken from over someone's head. but then, as i was editing photos this morning from our family reunion, i came across this shot and had to use it!
you see, the husband of my cousin (actually it's my mom's cousin's daughter... would that be like a 5th cousin???) was teaching my son, sean, to play baseball. sean is almost 4 and has never hit a baseball without a tee before. he was doing SO good that everyone at the reunion stopped what they were doing and watched him bat. at one point he hit a "home run" on their little field they had made, and everyone went crazy cheering for him. sean got so excited that he threw the bat up in the air (which is the moment i caught here)... only it was straight up in the air directly over his head... meaning it went straight back down... onto his head :/ don't worry, he was fine. poor little guy was more embarrassed then anything, but now we have a cute/funny/sad story to tell! and a great picture... as you can see if you look right over sean's head, there's the end of the bat ;)
make sure you head over to i heart faces to see the other entries this week!
Perfect moment! you've captured a true memory for everyone.
Wonderful capture and great story!
Such a precious story and great photo!
I didn't even notice the ball before I read the post. Good for him!!! and so sweet you captured his joy.
Cute! Grat shpt :)
Love the motion and story of this picture. Wonderful capture! Thanks for the comment on my post :)
How cute! You captured him in the midst of fun! :) Love it!
Super cute! Looks like she's taking off!
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